Key documents and identification

In this section, we look at the most important documents and documents that may be necessary to obtain to start working.

Employment contract:

All employment relationships in Hungary (with some exceptions) are based on an employment contract. This contract regulates the framework and conditions under which the work is carried out. 

All employment contracts must include the following:

For foreign workers who are allowed to work with a permit, the employment contract must also specify the duration of the employment status. 

Within 15 days of the start of employment, the employer must provide written information on:

An employment contract may be signed only if and in the form in which it is understood and accepted by the employee. In practice, this means that it (also) has to be written in a language that the employee understands, or that an interpreter must be present when the contract is read.

Social security number (TAJ-number)

In Hungary, a Social Insurance Identification Number (TAJ) is required for public health care. In principle, the TAJ card is not available to 3rd country nationals arriving in Hungary, but it is available in the context of employment, as social security contributions are deducted from the salary of the 3rd country worker. For the 3rd country worker, the employer requires the social security number.

To do this, the workplace must do the following:

Two forms must be completed and submitted online:

Required data:

It is important to note here that people with temporary protection status are entitled to health care even if they are not employed, in which case the social security number should be replaced by the number of the residence permit issued to the person in temporary protection. Employees in temporary protection status are recommended to obtain a TAJ card because it entitles them to the full range of health care (the benefits otherwise provided to people in temporary protection are more limited).

Tax identification number (Tax card)

To work, it is also essential that the employee has a valid tax identification number. Fortunately, this process is very easy to arrange – the employee can apply for it at a government office or at the tax authority (NAV).

The other way is for the workplace itself to request this for the employee, which can be done by post, in person or electronically by filling in form 20T34 on the National Tax and Customs Office (NAV) website.

The following employee details are required: